Saturday, February 4, 2012

Whats the difference between hummer 3 and hummer 2?

whats the difference between hummer 3 and hummer 2?Whats the difference between hummer 3 and hummer 2?Umm... H3 is cooler and better...Whats the difference between hummer 3 and hummer 2?
How hot the girl is?Whats the difference between hummer 3 and hummer 2?Several thousand dollars and several miles to the gallon.Whats the difference between hummer 3 and hummer 2?
h3 is smaller duhhWhats the difference between hummer 3 and hummer 2?h3's are smaller and get better gas milageWhats the difference between hummer 3 and hummer 2?
Both of them are a disgrace to the hummer name. Find a REAL hummer not some pussey version of this truck.

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