Monday, February 20, 2012

What cheaper, better gas mileage SUV is comparable to a hummer?

As in, NOT getting stuck in the snow. Yeah yeah yeah, I know, Ive heard all the preachy crap about the ignorance of having paid this much for it- yes i bought it outright, like an idiot, I know- and its impracticality. But I WANTED it SO BAD! Now that Ive woken up and seen the light, what do I buy when I sell this beast?What cheaper, better gas mileage SUV is comparable to a hummer?Unless you live in rural America or Alaska and drive daily on gravel roads you don't need a SUV. Since when has snow been a major inconvience due to ground clearance of your vehicle? There are plenty of AWD cars which handle BETTER than SUV's on ice and light snow due to their low ground clearance. A high center of gravity can destroy the positive effects of 4 wheel drive and weight. Sure your better off in a crash test, but your more likely to be in a crash. Instead I would recommend a AWD Ford Fusion or a Suburu or some of the other AWD vehicles. Many of those light weight SUV's are deathtraps compared to a Hummer.What cheaper, better gas mileage SUV is comparable to a hummer?Nothing, nada, rien! The Hummer is a unique vehicle (as you know) derived from military spec ATV capable. If you really, really need the all-terrain capabilities, I'd hold on to it (you probably won't get much for it anyway, since it is so impractical).

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