Thursday, February 23, 2012

Would you rather drive one of those little eco-friendly tiny cars or a Hummer?

An SUV or a clown car?

I take the Hummer, I hope I don't get a ticket from the "green police"Would you rather drive one of those little eco-friendly tiny cars or a Hummer?I like driving my Hummer over those ridiculous, death trap clown cars.Would you rather drive one of those little eco-friendly tiny cars or a Hummer?
Neither. The Prius is too small for my kayaks and I need an SUV to drive in the mountains,. But a hummer is ugly, gets crappy mileage and is a headache to park in a city. A hybrid SUV would be nice; I wish they made hybrid Jeep Cherokee. Jeeps are big enough and 4WD, but also have a surprisingly small footprint and decent turning radius so city parking is OK. Plus they are 'merican dammit.

If I just wanted to look good and dated the kind of women who correlate motor vehicles to sex appeal I would drive an 80s vintage muscle car. One with rusted panels, a garter belt hanging from the rear view and a "Warrant" bumper sticker. I would also grow a mullet and get a job at Kragen.Would you rather drive one of those little eco-friendly tiny cars or a Hummer?Actually, I've driven both, the Hummer did well on the open road, but once you got into an urban area, it was a pain. The Smart Car was exactly the opposite.

The best thing to do is put the Smart Car in the back of the Hummer, and when you get into an urban area, park the Hummer, pull the Smart Car out of the back, and drive it.
I'll take a Hummer any day over one of those little dinky clown cars. Hell those "eco-friendly" cars cost over $30,000, so I may as well spend that money on something that can seat 8 comfortably and cross artic Tundra. I wouldn't want to spend that kind of money on something that barely seats 4 and gets stuck in two inches of snow.Would you rather drive one of those little eco-friendly tiny cars or a Hummer?I'd rather drive a prius over a Hummer.

I actually served in the military and got to drive more than my fair share of Humvees. I don't need to play pretend and buy the ***** version to try and prove how macho I am.

Yes I'm calling you a pretender. You're one of those guys who is trying way to hard to compensate. You probably yell "extreme" before you jump in and drive away in your girle hummer.Would you rather drive one of those little eco-friendly tiny cars or a Hummer?
Hummers are the most ridiculous looking vehicles I have ever seen. They are great for military purposes, but as an automobile, well you might as well just get a normal car and put a bumper sticker on it that says "I am very insecure, and I would beat you up except I am afraid of losing". It would be a lot cheaper, easier to park, and have the same effect.
Hummer, H3 to be exact. Small cars don't serve my vehicular needs and I can't afford to by a vehicle for each purpose so I have one that can do everything I need it to do. (wheel, camp, tow, haul people/cargo/dog/whatever else)Would you rather drive one of those little eco-friendly tiny cars or a Hummer?
Eco-friendly. Have you seen the MPG on a hummer? I like to save money thank you.
A hummer is too big and too hard to park and a huge gas pig even though I am NOT the green police. I wouldn't mind driving like a Smart car, but in reality, I want something mid size like a Audi(the green car, LOL).
Financially, I would perfer the vehcile that weights less and uses less fuel. I too hope you don't get a ticket from the 'green police'. I doubt you have any money to pay a ticket after stopping at the gas station.
Hmmm... 4 MPG vs 41 MPG. I do believe the conservative answer would be the eco-friendly vehicle, despite your take on the whole global warming thing.

Guys who drive Hummers are compensating for something. Fact.
Prius. Hummers are some of the ugliest looking things I've ever seen. They are for stupid Americans who want to pretend they go on off road adventures or something. Let's go GROCERY SHOPPING in the Hummer! Brilliant.
I'll stick with predominantly riding a motorcycle as it has the best of both words; awesome handling, speed, and clown car fuel economy.
I will drive whatever is cheapest to maintain, both in gas mileage and in repairs over time. I've always been fairly thrifty, and will remain so.
Hummers are a rush to drive until you pull up to the gas pump. You need a change of underwear after that experience. I'd say go with a good mid-sized car such as a Lexus ES350
hummers are lame and the people who drive hummers are lame. smart cars are also lame. people should drive reasonable cars. i don't understand why people who only drive on city streets drive suv's.
Hummer=Made in China?Do your parents drive one so thusly you drive one. I doubt you have enough friends to warrant one even if you could afford one. Which I very highly doubt also.
The safety of my family comes before any made up "save the planet by driving a Prius" crap. I'll take the larger vehicle.
Even if I could afford it, I wouldn't drive a Hummer unless I had an enormous boat I needed to pull behind it...

It's excessive for trips to the grocery store.....and really not my style anyway.
Neither, d bags typically drive both......ill stick with the luxury sedans
A Hummer. 50 caliber machine gun included.
I don't need a Hummer. I have a big penis.
Something in-between...
SUV. Smart cars are just go karts.
Neither. I like my luxury SUV.
Love my 44 mpg diesel, I don't want anything that doesn't get good mileage.
neither...give me a crew cab Ford 4X4 with a smoke belching smoke hippie tree huggers

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