Thursday, February 23, 2012

How do politicians become mine-owning, Hummer-driving polluters 1 second & champions of global warming...?

...the next? (e.g., Schwarzenegger and Al Gore?)How do politicians become mine-owning, Hummer-driving polluters 1 second %26amp; champions of global warming...?How do people learn about a scientific issue one moment, and assume that it is only politicians who support it the next? (e.g., you and many others like you?)How do politicians become mine-owning, Hummer-driving polluters 1 second %26amp; champions of global warming...?
Because that's what they people want to see, it's all about image.How do politicians become mine-owning, Hummer-driving polluters 1 second %26amp; champions of global warming...?they live how they want to live and show ppl what they want to see to get re-elected
Politicians don't champion global warming anymore. They call it climate change now because they don't know if it's going to get warmer or colder. Climate change gives them a bit more wiggle room for when public sentiment changes.How do politicians become mine-owning, Hummer-driving polluters 1 second %26amp; champions of global warming...?Politicians are elitists. Arnold had some deal with Hummers a while back where he did commercial for them. He is still a hypocrite when it comes to his hydrogen initiative and his views on AGW.How do politicians become mine-owning, Hummer-driving polluters 1 second %26amp; champions of global warming...?
You said it. They are politicians. Backed by an incredible amount of sheep. Sheep that ignore science (sample size and significance) only psuedo-science pretends to know now. Someday maybe science will be there but not now.
Because they are rich, and can use pop science to become richerHow do politicians become mine-owning, Hummer-driving polluters 1 second %26amp; champions of global warming...?
Because they know that most people are naive nincompoops.

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