Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Do you think hummer drivers are jerks for driving a hummer?

4 miles a gallon c'mon what a waste of fuel.Do you think hummer drivers are jerks for driving a hummer?Yes, I do.

Hummers serve no purpose outside the military. They're way too big, heavy, inefficient, unsafe for everyone around them, overpriced, and useless.

You've got to be a serious jerk to flush all that money down the toilet and waste all those resources just so you can feel like a big man driving that hunk of junk.Do you think hummer drivers are jerks for driving a hummer?
In their defense, when they bought the vehicle, gas was most likely not $4 a gallon.

Still, there is a certain demographic that a vehicle like a Hummer is marketed to... and it's not a laborer who needs it to haul things, and its not an outdoors man who legitimately goes off roading, and it's not someone who is frugal with their money, and it's not someone who cares about the environment, and it's not someone who cares about the airborne pollutants that other people have to breathe, and it's not someone who cares about the increased damage their vehicle will do to any one Else's car or body...

so, who ever doesn't fit those categories is who drives a Hummer I guess.Do you think hummer drivers are jerks for driving a hummer?If I had the money and could afford the insurance, I'd buy one. They're great-looking and the size is what makes them appealing.

A few years ago, people bought large vehicles because they had the illusion of being safer in an accident than a small car. But people didn't realize they were driving small trucks with higher centers of gravity. And if the person took a turn too sharply or fast, he'd capsize.

But to hate people who drive large cars is ridiculous, it's not your problem so don't worry about it. You don't have to pay to fill it up and it puts the same exhaust in the air as your little Smart Cars.
I think they are insane. I drive a pickup - only because I have 4 big dogs to transport. But a hummer? You can't haul dogs (too messy), horses, lumber, you can haul kids in something smaller. . . . . . so, what is the point, if not to stick your wealth in everyone else's faces, waste gasoline, and hog the road?Do you think hummer drivers are jerks for driving a hummer?It's unsafe, too. Think about it: in ten years, almost everyone will be driving smaller cars for the mileage. But of course, there will always be that one pompous jerk that needs to drive his tank down the block, and as fate would have it, immediately after his afternoon drinking binge. Maybe he's wearing beer goggles simultaneously just for the challenge. And of course it's been raining and the road's slippery. Then BAM, he crushes everybody.

We need to ban those stupid things. They're meant for war, not civilians.Do you think hummer drivers are jerks for driving a hummer?
yes, i do think that ppl who drive hummers are quite stupid. for one thing, as if they don't pollute the earth enough already, hummer owners seem to flaunt it by driving a big, horribly expensive, ugly pieces of junk. there's absolutely no reason why people can't spend their money on a new hybrid, or better yet, bicycle. people will admire them more if they do so. i don;t think that i've met one person who thinks highly of hummer drivers!! (including myself...)
Nope, that is the benefits of a free society. Drive what you want, when you want.Do you think hummer drivers are jerks for driving a hummer?
They're not jerks. They don't even know or care about the environment. They have too much money.

That is awesome that you are taking part in saving energy! I think they are trying to be cool and not thinking that they are polluting the earth :)
YA, hummers don't have any any practical uses, the only reason ppl buy and drive them is because they look hot
Hummers are appropriate if you are in a war zone, but not necessary in suburbia.
YES! i mean they must have money, so they are probably rich ignorant dummies!!

honestly... tell me one normal person who NEEDS a hummer....what purpose do they serve?
i think a guy in a hummer is sexy and to each is there own if they want to pay for the gas prices
I think they were jerks before they bought the Hummer.
well kinda because they are sucking up all the fricken gas with that dang thing! but hummers are pretty cool!
No. I think it is none of your business.
yes they are hurting us all!!!
No , people are FREE to use as much energy as they WANT or NEED . There is no energy shortage in this country , so why refer to a hummer owner as a jerk ??? It's not very smart to drive one but they are free to do so if they choose .

Every thumbs down I get is one more person in this country who does not want to be free .
Why, was another Liberal, specifically, Al Gore caught in owning one? I have a warning for all, so they do not make mistakes... Type in active volcanoes in your web search! Then type in quantitative analysis of gases! The overwhelming fact is that at least 94% of our greenhouse gas is from natural cause! Sorry, Al, I gave away the truth.. you are caught as well as the million people killiing; raping; and denying U.N.! Sudan, People! They lied and still lie! It is a religious war and still is! They lied, as usual! Earl
Yea - Global warming is a good excuse to hate people. Just like the eugenics craze 100 years ago.

Not my problem.

My 2 cents.
Not really

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